When you play golf, you need to develop the proper form and understand the equipment. It also helps to improve your flexibility. Doing so will make you more proficient at the game and will improve your overall score.
So, how do you become more flexible?
Well, you need to know what exercises to practice. That will give you a decided edge. In fact, flexibility may the the most essential component for your success.
Defining the X-Factor for a More Powerful Swing
To improve your game, you also need to define the x-factor, which describes the relation of the shoulders to the rotation of the hips.
Therefore, the shoulders, when executing the proper swing, should be turned at a 90-degree angle above the hips, which should be poised at 45 degrees.
Flexibility is an important component of playing golf, as you can’t afford to have tight hips, stiff shoulders, or uncooperative hamstrings.
Flexibility equals increased power in golf.
To achieve a full range of motion and realize the ideal golf swing or more power on the links, you need to know what exercises to perform or equipment to use to improve your flexibility and swing.
We believe, you can improve you game in as little as 30 days.
The importance of flexibility
Flexibility is hard, especially if you have not touched your toes since you attended gym class in high school.
Whether you bend over to tie your shoes or reach overhead to take something off a shelf, you need to be flexible.
If you don’t exercise to improve your range of motion, other muscles try to compensate for any deficit.
For example, if you lack flexibility, and you have tight flexors in your hips, you will use your hamstrings or lower back more often to swing a club.
Left leg too tight, then your left knee will bear the brunt. Everything needs to be flexible, including your left arm, your left foot and your upper body.
Remain free from injuries
Without flexibility you will find you have pulled a hamstring or even dislocated your back.
Maybe your pectoral muscles in the front of the shoulders are tight.
If so, it can result in spinal problems, including a slipped disc.
In some instances, your calves may be too tight. If this is true, you have limited mobility in your ankles, thereby making it difficult to squat or bend down completely.
Fortunately, you don’t have to twist yourself in a pretzel to achieve a more flexible form.
Use the following tips to loosen your limbs and perfect your swing technique.
1. Always Warm Up
To prevent injury and increase flexibility, you should always warm up before you exercise or play golf. Walk a half mile or do some jumping jacks – get your body warmed up and increase your heart rate. We understand some of you don’t like to hit balls before playing, that’s ok.
We do however highly recommend light golf stretches and some light swinging with a club before playing.
2. Practice Static Stretching
Static stretching is where you hold a stretch for about a half minute.
While it may not feel pleasant at first, doing so supports flexibility.
Compare your muscles to a rubber band.
If you stretch them out enough, they become overstretched.
As a general rule, hold a stretch for 30 seconds after playing golf.
Don’t do this before the round.
You want to static stretch when your body is warm and relaxed from exercise.
This is the perfect time to work on your hip flexors.
Simply cross your legs from a standing position and try to touch one of your toes.
Try it again with your feet at shoulder width.
This is the minimum you should be doing after each round, especially as you get older.
3. Add Stretching to Your Work Day
If you sit most of the day, set a time, every one or two hours, to take a break and stretch.
Reach up high toward the ceiling and stretch.
Throw in some other stretches while you’re just sitting there. Also try to balance on one leg for as long as you can to work on your balance.
Not only will get get rid of muscular tension, you will feel less fatigued.
The increased blood flow will make you more alert as well.
4. Use Machines that Will Stretch You Muscles and Keep You Fit for Golf
One of the best ways to stay in shape by stretching is to invest in a stretching machine.
Most machines are user-friendly.
A Stretch Trainer Machine
A stretch trainer machine features various stretching patterns to guide enhanced flexibility – from the head down to the toes.
Using the machine is an ideal way to warm up and ensure muscle flexibility.
A Leg Stretch Machine
A leg stretch machine does just what its name implies. To use the machine, you sit down and place your legs in sleeves to stretch them.
This machine adds to the flexibility of the glutes, calves, thighs, and flexors in the hips.
Using an Inversion Table
To prevent back soreness or similar complaints, an inversion table is a must-have stretching device.
Use A Golf Swing Training Aid
We highly recommend investing in a golf swing training aid like the Lag Shot Golf 7 Iron. It’s a weighted club with a rubbery shaft that will not only teach you tempo, get you to the proper impact position, it will also keep you limber as well.
We recommend consulting your physician before investing in any of this equipment.
5. Practice Hip/Trunk/Lat Extensions
If you already feel some tightness or tension in your back, inversion therapy is just what the doctor ordered.
You can practice a hip/trunk/lat extension when you are on the golf course.
This exercise increases range of motion (ROM) in the shoulders, glutes, and hips.
To do the exercise, first hold a golf club in your left hand for balance.
Then raise your right hand overhead and lean to the left while stretching the hip and lats on the right side, hold for three breaths and perform three more times before switching sides.
Performing this exercise will give you added extension in your backswing and increase power and mobility.
Final Thoughts
You can make stretching an easy part of your life – doing so without too much trouble.
If you are serious about your golf game, check out the machines that aid in range of motion and practice stretching exercises and injury prevention.
All these activities will help you realize progress while performing daily activities or playing golf.